Built to Last

“Our Log Cabins are built to last!” We asked one of our lovely clients to tell us about her cabin 3 years on since moving in. Here is what she had to say...
- How long have you been living in your log cabin? Just over 3 years
- What is unique about the Cabins that Tim and his team create? That you can choose design and size of cabin
- What is it like living in your log cabin? For us personally, we wanted a large kitchen and dining room..as we have a large family..So the cabin is warm and comfortable...
- How easy was it for the building to be located on site and the final stages put together? It only took a day to deliver and build the Cabin... then a week to connect all services, carpet and wood flooring etc.... so happy with our finished home.
- Anything further you would like to add? After 3 years nothing has changed, Happy with the quality of our home!!
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